A HARMÓNIA JAZZMŰHELY a Budapest Jazz Clubból
20:00 órai KEZDETTEL a
Jazzation: PANNONICA
at the Budapest Jazz Club
ON MONDAY, 25th MARCH 2022
Jazzation: PANNONICA
Várallyay Katus, Bolyki Sára, Kanizsa Gina, Fábián Attila, Homor Máté (ének)
Jazzation commemorates Hungarian-born Pannonica Rothschild in its brand-new programme. As the youngest child of Charles Rothschild and Baroness von Wertheimstein of Oradea, Kathleen Annie Pannonica had everything she could wish for. Yet she still longed for something other than wealth could give: a life free of conventions and genuine independence. Not only for herself but for every person.
In 1949, while staying with a friend she heard Thelonious Monk’s legendary recording Round Midnight and she was so taken by the music that she missed her flight and never returned to her previous lifestyle. She settled in New York and dedicated her life to jazz, becoming a patron of musicians. She did this at a time when segregation was the norm in the United States and there was widespread disapproval of her relationships - be they physical or spiritual - with black musicians. It was thought unbecoming of the white baroness wearing a pure white stole and three stranded pearl necklace, "to cavort" with people of colour.
Hungary’s number one a cappella jazz ensemble, whose members were also called on stage by Bobby McFerrin at his concert in Budapest, have compiled their playlist so that the order of songs follows the ‘jazz baroness’, Nica's remarkable life journey from the imposing parental home to the exciting jazz scene of New York.
This is not the first themed concert in Jazzation’s 15 years of existence: in 2018, a suite from Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess (with symphony orchestral accompaniment), and in January 2020 a choral cantata from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons was arranged for them. These proved to be overwhelmingly successful alongside the ensemble’s principal profile, jazz- and world music adaptations.
További info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2357329891076487/
Fotó: Jazzation