
Geographical Jazz in Suburban Érd

2020. szeptember 03.

If you attend the 6th Jazz fest of the suburban town of Érd, you might end up listening to the aural pleasures next to the bust of the English patient. Kornél Zipernovszky tells you how.

The jazz fest of Érd is one of the many, in fact surprisingly many smaller jazz fests around the capital, which have sprung up recently, along with Zsámbék, Göd, etc. Érd is along the freeways leading to Vienna and to the Lake Balaton, and many people work in the metropolis but live there. But that is not the end of your geography lesson. If you opt for the jazz fest there, you’ll be spending the sunsets and evenings in the garden park of the Hungarian Geographical Museum. The car shed of the museum building, that used to be the Wimpffen manor built in classicist style in the 1840’s, has been made into a really cosy garden park with a roof. As if they knew 15 years ago, that it would be safer to listen to a concert in 2020 in the open air.
            The benches and lampposts in the park have been donated by local patriots and companies, dotted with the statues of the famous orientalist Sándor Kőrösi Csoma, museum founder Dénes Balázs, war-time prime minister Pál Teleki, all distinguished geographers, just like the English patient. The novel of Michael Ondaatje, made into a famous movie, was based on the life story of László Ede Almásy de Zsadány et Törökszentmiklós.

            Focusing in on the music, you’ll find that although the festival shrank this year in its number of days, it is able to display the highest number of musicians in attendance ever. On the 11th of September, the main act will be Modern Art Orchestra, the most professional big band Hungary has ever produced. Always leaning on the symphonic and jazz classics, in Érd the orchestra performs their Bartók programme. Indeed, the legendary Hungarian composer’s folk music-based compositions have been re-worked and re-thought into contemporary big band jazz by members and bandleader Kornél Fekete-Kovács, playing the trumpet even sometimes while he is conducting. Some of the other outstanding musicians in the band are seasoned composers-arrangers, too, many of them have had their originals and arrangement recorded on separate CDs. The first act of the first day is a debut, a chamber trio of double-bass player Ádám Bögöthy with the outstanding vibes player Richárd Szaniszló and the internationally active and adventuresome sax player Dániel Mester.

            While Saturday night belongs to a DJ turning the volume up in the neighbourhood, Sunday it is jazz in the park again. Up-and-coming singer Dávid presents his quintet of jazz academy students, some of whom have already made a name for themselves, such as Zsolt Farkas on piano and, Kálmán Oláh Jr. on saxes.
            Dávid remains on the podium for the second act, but then he will be backed up by one of the best known traditional jazz bands in the country, the Budapest Ragtime Band. But don’t be misled by their name, this ensemble of seasoned veterans would not shy away from playing New Orleans, swing as well as musical parodies on top of their ragtime evergreens.

11 September, Friday, 17.30
Bögöthy Trio: Ádám Bögöthy - double bass, Richárd Szaniszló - vibraphone, Dániel Mester – szaxophone
Modern Art Orchestra

13 September, Sunday, 17.30
Dávid Varga Quintet: Dávid Varga  - singer, Zsolt Farkas  - piano, Kálmán Oláh Jr. - szaxophone, István Siklai - double bass, András Márkosi – drums
Budapest Ragtime Band 

Location: Budai út 4., Érd (map)
Transport: bus (Érd központ), train (Érd-alsó)

More: https://erdijazzfesztival.hu/



Fotó: Magyar Földrajzi Múzeum, Lázár Miklós 


Jazz koncertek - Jazz Concerts in Hungary

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